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Thursday, 15 September 2011

Funny Inspirational Quotes About Life, The Universe And Everything (Almost)

"What's it all about, then, Alfie?"

That's how Michael Caine's first starring role - a film called Alfie - ends, with Cher singing that famous lyric. And whilst this question is directed at Alfie's life, it could easily be directed to all of us. Don't you think?

So what is it all about then - this life, the universe and everything?

I'm certain that it needs more explaining than the answer given by Douglas Adams: 42.

Maybe one of these funny inspirational quotes can help. Quotes like this one:

"Love is the answer, but while you're waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty interesting questions." -- Woody Allen

Let's face it, if it wasn't for sex none of us would be here, would we. None of us would even be alive.

But we are alive, and we're trying to make sense of it all.

So love matters (as does sex) but what else? Should a life well lived be a successful life? And what is success? Is it fame and fortune or simply finishing what you planned to do?

And what happens if you're not a success? Does that mean that you've wasted your life?

"If at first you don't succeed, think how many people you've made happy." -- H. Duane Black

Now where was I? Ah, yes, success! I think success is living your life on your terms, as you want to live it. Which means that I think that everyone should live life as successfully as they can.

But life must be more than success, surely?

"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others." -- Groucho Marx

Thanks, Groucho - I like your style, I really do, but you're not helping us here. Back to life being more than success...

What about trying to make a difference to the world at large? What about thinking of other people and not just yourself?

"Here is the test to find whether your mission on earth is finished. If you're alive, it isn't." -- Richard Bach

Hmm, that's not such a funny quote Richard. That's a real kitchen-emptier at parties that one. But maybe he has a point - maybe life is about cherishing every moment, every last drop.

Maybe life is about living in the now - ignoring the painful past, and forgetting to be fearful of the future. Just live! Now!

But I'm still not sure what life is all about when it comes to helping others. Richard didn't help much at all with that quote.

"If it's true that we are here to help others, then what exactly are the others here for?"

Hmm, okay I give up! I'm going to leave the (almost) last word to Mr Allen. He's so funny after all. He won't let us down...

"I am not afraid of death, I just don't want to be there when it happens." -- Woody Allen

And let's face it (again), if it wasn't for death then none of us would be here, would we! Er...

Life, what's it all about, then?

I have no idea, Alfie, no idea at all...

"I wish people who have trouble communicating would just shut up." -- Tom Lehrer

Okay, Tom - that's me told, isn't it! - I'm gone! That's it, this article is finished. I just think you, me and Alfie are going to have find the meaning of life, the universe and everything out for ourselves.

But you can't have 42, Alfie - it's taken!