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Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Changing Your Stress By Changing Your Perception. An Excellent Stress Technique

There are several techniques for coping with stress. A relaxing walk, doing something you feel is creative and rewarding, many people find a good workout or run works for them. But coping is not curing. To deal effectively with stress - the type that is of a level that it impacts your wellbeing. You need to look at the route causes of many peoples stress.

Stress is the result of both external and internal factors - what happens combined with how you perceive the event. Your perceptions of its seriousness and importance to you will be a determining factor in your ability to cope with stress. A lost job, an unfulfilling relationship, illness or many any of hundreds of other circumstances can prompt stress. But for those to result in stress, especially long-term, an individual has to evaluate them and him or herself in a certain way.

A person who is aware that by changing your perception of events is much less likely to feel stress for the long term. A person who sees and feels situations realistically, and who has the stress techniques and stress remedies will have the capacity to deal with life's inherent difficulties more easily. But is that what normally happens in everyday life?

Stress is harmful and few harmful conditions are 'natural' in the sense that they are inevitable, however stress is controllable once you understand how its is created, then it can t be overcome.

So to deal with stress it's necessary to have an objective view of the actual damage. Many situations in life result in a loss of what is important to us, or events can sometimes be outside of our direct control. But companies that experience business reverses do recover, injuries heal, relationships mend or form between new partners, new friends are found.

Even losses that are permanent - the death of a loved one, a bankrupt business - are not equivalent to the loss of life or hope, they can feel like it sometimes but again and again history shows us that this does not always have to be the case. Individuals can, and do, compensate and the amazing thing is sometimes in the most horrendous situations while others around them lose hope they keep theirs. The point to notice here is-same surroundings different perceptions and outlook equal the different results of either suffering or not, or at least to a lesser degree. Time alone doesn't heal all wounds, but thought and effort can go a long way toward doing so.

When an individual focuses on what is valuable and possible, acute stress is minimized. When thought and effort combine with a realistic attitude toward the inherent hurdles in life, chronic stress is all but impossible.

I am not saying that you have a Pollyanna attitude that 'everything is always ok, no matter what'. Bad things do happen and I accept that. But that same realism can be the basis for seeing things in perspective that can either serve you in reducing stress or increase your levels of unhappiness and anxiety. Things may be, bad.But, they rarely have to stay that way.

Acknowledging what is real and recognizing that it's possible to create or acquire new values to replace a loss is key to avoiding long term stress. Long term stress, which often accompanies or leads to depression, tends to be self-reinforcing. You feel bad, so things look bad. Things look bad, so you feel worse.

Objectivity and re-committing oneself to the achievement of what is important to you is essential for breaking the cycle. But recognize that gaining those values is an achievement, one requiring thought and action. Rarely do they simply arrive in some equivalent of a winning lottery ticket.

The Most Common Causes of Stress

Copyright (c) 2008 Konstantin Koss

Everyone can experience stress. The human body is designed to feel stress and respond to it. Stress keeps us alert and prepared to prevent danger. Being knowledgeable on the prime causes of stress is important and using your knowledge to control stress is vital.

The cause of stress changes as we age. A stressed child at young age can threw tantrums but when he becomes a student, he can be stressed by school works. Once he becomes a teen, he is stressed by dating and relationship. And the causes of stress differ as he grows older thereon.

So what really causes stress? Anything can cause stress if it allows you to adapt to changes in the environment. The body will have to react to changes with mental, emotional and physical responses. All people have their own ways of adjusting to changes, thus the stress causes can differ for each individual.

*General Causes of Stress*

Generally, the causes of stress are:

1.Threat. An apparent threat can be the leading cause for a person to be stressed. Different threats include physical, social, financial, and others. It will become worse if the person experiencing the stress feels that he can't do anything to lessen the threat.

2.Fear. Threat can cause fear which further leads to stress. Fear advances to imagined outcomes and these outcomes are the real causes of stress.

3.Uncertainty. When people are uncertain, they can't predict and thus they feel they are not control of a situation. This can lead to a feeling of fear and of threat.

4.Cognitive dissonance. We are experiencing cognitive dissonance if there is a gap between thinking and doing. This dissonance can also happen when we can't meet our commitments. This dissonance can therefore lead to stress.

Other than the general causes of stress, there are the life causes of stress. Such causes include:

-Health: illness, pregnancy, injury

-Crime: burglary, mugging, sexual molestation, pick-pocketed

-Argument: with friends, family, boss, spouse, boss, co-workers

-Death: of friend, spouse, family

-Money: investing it, lack of it, owning it

-Sexual problems: with partner, getting partner

-Physical change: new work hours, lack of sleep

-Family change: marriage, divorce, new baby, separation

-Self abuse: alcoholism, drug abuse, self-harm

-Environment change: in house, school, job, jail, town

-Responsibility increase: new job, new dependent

-New location: moving house, vacation

*Causes of Stress in the Workplace*

There are also stress-related to work. United Kingdom's Health and Safety Executive gives 6 key stress related factors at work:

1.Demands of the job.

2.Relationship with colleagues

3.Control staff on how they can do their work

4.Workplace changes

5.Receiving support from superiors and colleagues

6.Understanding their responsibilities and roles.

The other indicators of stress at work are:

-High staff turnover

-Sickness absence


-Poor team communication

-Contribution and value

-Lack of performance feedback

-Technological change

-Working for long hours

-Lack of clear roles and responsibilities

-Dissatisfaction with the non-monetary benefits

-Mundane and boring work

-Uncomfortable workplace

-One-off incidents

We may not admit it but the lives of students are also faced with a lot of stresses. There are many pressures that are faced by students at school. These pressures equate to a lot of stress. Some of the school stresses are tests and examinations, reports, school bully, difficult subject, strict teachers, etc.

From the causes mentioned above, you may be asking yourself which among them are the leading causes of stress. In 1967, Richard Rahe and Thomas Holmes, both from University of Washington, conducted a study on the relationship between illnesses and significant life events. They compiled the major causes of stress and created a chart as a part of their study. The chart which had 43 stress causes in 1967 was updated on 2006 with 55 additional causes of stress. This proves that our society finds more causes of stress year after year.

Studies come up with ranking for the major causes of stress. The online poll LifeCare Inc. conducted a survey in 2005 on the top most stress causes of that time. Majority of the respondents considered finances to be the leading cause of stress. Next is work related stress such as job security. Third in the rank is family stress followed by personal concerns such as shopping and household chores. The fifth cause of stress is personal health and safety; sixth is personal relationship and the last in the rank is death.

There are seemingly endless causes of stress and we can find some new causes as long as we live. Everyone must be aware of these causes in order to take control of the situations that can lead to stress. Learning about these causes can arm us with defense once stress attacks us.

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: An Overview

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder is caused by extremely traumatic event in the life of a person. Any event that causes a person to experience physical or emotional pain is a traumatic occurrence enough to lead him or her to post traumatic stress disorder. Other vital factors known to create traumatic stress imbalance are distress and extreme fear. Events like car accidents, robbery, the death of a loved one, natural disaster, witnessing an act of violence, being victim of physical harm are some examples of incidence that lead to post traumatic stress disorders in human beings.

The symptoms observed in the victim of post traumatic stress disorder are getting disassociated from reality and dwelling in a sense of numbness. Such individuals live in a constant state of fear with a totally different perception of the world than normal people. Recurring memories of the traumatic event keeps the victim in state of shock. This kind of reaction is known as post-traumatic stress disorder and can have detrimental consequences to the sufferer, in addition to those close to him or her.

How to Detect Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder:

Given below are some symptoms that can help you to detect whether your loved one or yourself is suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder.

� PTSD affects each patient differently. Most of the patients suffer from a loss of appetite, fatigue, stomach problems, headache and excessive sweating. These victims get easily panicked, and in a state of constant fear of something. Feelings like hopelessness, anxiety, short-tempered attitude and feeling lost are common to them.

� There is no fixed time when the symptoms of PTSD may appear, it might be suddenly after the traumatic event or they may appear after many months or years after the disturbing event. Usually the victim constantly relives the event through thoughts and memories, additionally affecting his relationships with others, and further causing the self to become withdrawn from society

Quick Facts about Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder:

� 8 percent of Americans will suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder during their lifetime.

� Of this 8 percent, 10 percent are female and 5 percent are male.

� 5.2 million People are currently suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.

� Ethnic minorities, as well as women, are at an increased risk of suffering from post-traumatic stress.

Thus, while dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder, it is imperative to give a patient sufficient time to get through feelings and recuperate from the event. Instead of hiding feelings of sadness and grief, it is crucial that a victim be allowed to experience these feelings deeply, as this is an important part of the healing process. Family and friends of a patient should also be supportive, provide a source of strength and understanding and try to gain the victim�s confidence. Although such a condition can cause a great deal of pain and fear, it can be handled with proper understanding, patience and time.

If you detect PTSD symptoms in yourself or someone you love, it is important to get help from a trained mental health clinician as soon as possible. Aspen Counseling Services are established as a part of sincere effort and desire to help individuals and families to deal with and overcome life�s challenges. They are passionate about helping people. Their team is experienced in a wide variety of treatment methods and specialties to help the patients with specific needs.

Five Tips to De-stress Your Life

Five Tips to De-stress Your Life
Copyright 2005 Kathy Paauw

I recently received this e-mail message about stress
management (author unknown)�

A lecturer, when explaining stress management to an
audience, raised a glass of water and asked, "How heavy is
this glass of water?" Answers called out ranged from 20g to 500g. The lecturer replied, "The absolute weight doesn't matter. It depends on how long you try to hold it."

"If I hold it for a minute, that's not a problem. If I hold
it for an hour, I'll have an ache in my right arm. If I
hold it for a day, you'll have to call an ambulance. "In
each case, it's the same weight, but the longer I hold it,
the heavier it becomes."

He continued, "And that's the way it is with stress
management. If we carry our burdens all the time, sooner or later, as the burden becomes increasingly heavy, we won't be able to carry on." "As with the glass of water, you have to put it down for a while and rest before holding it again. When we're refreshed, we can carry on with the burden."

What burden can you put down to help you reduce stress?
Notice that I did not ask if you had stress. I assume you
do. The question is, what are you doing to manage or reduce

I'll bet that you can identify something generating stress
in your life right now that you've been carrying for a
while ... something that was probably stressing you a month ago, or even a year ago. So what are you prepared to do about it? Here are five tips to help you reduce stress.

1. Identify what is burdening you right now. What do you
hate about your life? What are you tolerating? By stating
what you hate or are putting up with in your present circumstances, you can then identify what you want. As you answer this question, consider each of the categories mentioned below. Make a thorough list and be specific. This list is for your eyes only, so spill onto paper whatever you hate about your present circumstances, without trying to sugar-coat how you are feeling. Here are some examples:

* Relationships: I hate feeling like I always have to be
right. I hate how my son never wants to spend time with me.

* Health & Wellness: I hate being 20 pounds overweight. I
hate getting so out-of-breath when I take the stairs. I
hate that I am so stressed that I cannot fall asleep at

* Financial Health: I hate how I always defer my tax
returns because I am so disorganized with my financial
records. I hate how many tax deductions I forfeit because
of my lousy record-keeping practices.

* Environment: I hate how my office is cluttered with piles
of paper. I hate that I waste so much time looking for
things. I hate how much money I waste because I have to buy something I have but cannot find. I hate that I cannot park my car in the garage because of all the junk stored in there.

* Work: I hate regularly working past 5 PM and on the

2. Deal with unresolved issues. Is there something in your
past that you have not dealt with � psychological barriers, untreated disorders, unfinished business from your childhood, unresolved relationships, addictions, or depression? If so, seek professional assistance to clear a path for a new beginning. Without first dealing with these obstacles, you may sabotage your efforts or find major resistance to making the changes you desire.

3. De-clutter and create order. Creating order in your home
and work environment may help you to gain clarity as you explore the horizon of some new directions in other areas of your life. Here's my definition of clutter: Anything you own, possess, or do that does not enhance your life on a regular basis. It's hard to make room for something new amidst all the clutter ... whether that clutter exists in your physical environment, on your calendar, or in your head.

4. Move from complaints to solutions. Look at your list of things you hate (above), and design a vision around what you want and choose for the future. Create a chart that includes the complaints, solutions to achieve your vision, and projected dates of completion.

Tried everything and still cannot find a solution? Ask
someone else to help you brainstorm a solution, or make
peace with it and quit thinking of it as a problem.

Eliminate excuses that are undermining your vision. For example, if you feel like you have to work late, examine the excuses that are undermining your desire to leave the office by 5 PM. Are you staying late to catch up with e-mail or to meet deadlines? How can you eliminate the excuse? Build in time to handle those activities during regular work hours.

Commit time to take positive action. Carve out protected
time for working on an important project that would
otherwise not get done until the 11th hour (after hours or
on the weekend). For large projects, break them into
smaller "bite-sized" projects.

5. Get support as you change behaviors. In order to create
new behaviors which will get and keep you at the enhanced
level at which you wish to function, you may need support.
An accountability partner or personal coach can help you:

* Reflect back what you say you want so you can hear

* Clarify what it will take to get you from where you are
to where you want to be.

* Build in accountability check-ins (without judgment)
around the actions you choose to take.

Identify the level of support you need in order to reach
the goals you've identified, and then ask for help.

Friday, 16 September 2011

Little Known Money Facts

What do you know about money? Bet you don’t know some of these factoids:WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BUY A HOUSE NOW?In 1970 a new house cost twice the annual salary of a married couple even with only one person working. Today a new house costs eight times the annual salary with couples both working. HOW LONG DOES U.S. MONEY LIVE? The average life span of a $1 bill, is about 18 months. For a $5 bill the average life is 15 monthsThe life span of a $20 is two years. The $50 and $100 notes don't circulate quite as often as the smaller denominations, so they last longer—the $50 bill, about five years, and the $100, eight and a half years. The average life of a coin is 25 years.HOW MUCH LOST OR UNCLAIMED MONEY IS THERE? In the united states there is over $25 BILLION in unclaimed money!The most common types of Unclaimed Property are:� Savings and checking accounts and safe deposit box contents � Stocks, mutual funds, bonds, and dividends � Uncashed cashier's checks or money orders � IRS refunds� Wages, child support payments� Matured or terminated insurance policiesChances are you or someone in your family is owed some lost money?You can search for you and your families portion of the nations unclaimed money at www.cashunclaimed.comWHO WORKS FOR MINIMUM WAGE? 2/3 of minimum wage earners are womenHOW MUCH U.S. MONEY IS THERE? In June 30, 1910 there was $ 3,148,700,000 in circulation, which was $34.07 per capita. In June 30, 2000 $ 571,121,194,344 which is $ 2,075.63 per capita. HOW RICH ARE YOU? Three billion people live on less than $2 per day while 1.3 billion get by on less than $1 per day. Seventy percent of those living on less than $1 per day are women.Ever wonder how your annual income compares to the rest of the world. At globalrichlist.com you can enter your annual income and see how you rank in the world.www.globalrichlist.comWHAT IS $1.00 FROM 1955 WORTH TODAY? Ever wonder what $100.00 from the year you were born would be worth now… well now you can find out. At measuringworth.com you can enter any year since 1790, a dollar amount and find out what it is worth any year up to 2005.www.measuringworth.comHOW FAR DOES MONEY TRAVEL? Ever told a kid not to put money in their mouth because it is dirty? Well, money changes between many hands and you may never have known how truly far it has traveled. At wheresgeorge.com you can track a dollar by series no. and serial no. One dollar bill is recorded for 4,191 miles in 3 years!www.wheresgeorge.comIS A PENNY MADE OF COPPER? For decades prior to 1981 a penny’s composition was 95% copper and 5% zinc alloy. After Congress authorized a change in 1981 the penny is now copper-plated zinc—97.5% zinc and 2.5% copper.DOES MONEY MAKE PEOPLE HAPPY? A survey by Pew Research Center showed that nearly half (49%) of those with an annual family income of more than $100,000 say they're very happy. By contrast, just 24% of those with an annual family income of less than $30,000 say they're very happy.Forward these fun facts to your friends and family!

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Famous Inspirational Quotes

Gandhi: "We must be the change we wish to see."; "Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony."
Eleanor Roosevelt: "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
Walt Disney: "If you can dream it, you can do it."
Ralph Waldo Emerson: "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."
William Jennings Bryan: "Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice."
Marianne Williamson: "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure."
Henry Ford: "Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals."
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe: "Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now."
Henry David Thoreau: "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined."
Peter F. Drucker: "The best way to predict the future is to create it."
The Bible: "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."
"Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you."
Richard Bach: "You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it true. You may have to work at it, however."
Anatole France: "To accomplish great things we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan but also believe."
Galileo Galilei: "You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him find it within himself."
Earl Nightingale: "You become what you think about."
Frank Outlaw: "Watch your thoughts, they become words, your words become actions, your actions become habits, your habits become character and your character becomes destiny. "
Marcus Aurelius: "Our life is what our thoughts make it."
James Allen: "Change your thoughts, change your life."
Stephen Covey: "Live out of your imagination, not your history"
Benjamin Disraeli: "Nurture your mind with great thoughts for you will never go higher than you think."
James Allen: "You are today where your thoughts have brought you."
W. Clement Stone: "What the mind can conceive it can achieve."
Mother Theresa: "If you invite me to an anti-war rally I will say no but if you invite me to a peace rally I will come."
Carl Jung: "What you resist persists."
Henry Ford: "Whether you think you can or can't you will be right."
Joseph Campbell: "Follow your bliss and the Universe will open doors where there were walls."

Sacrifice and Success

How far are you willing to go to succeed? Are you willing to change, or even alter your lifestyle? Are you willing to analyze yourself and try finding your weaknesses? Are you willing to take your dreams to the next level?

Anything worth having in life is worth fighting for. I am not talking at all about knocking other people out of the way so you can literally climb over them. You need to focus on you, not others. The moment you start focusing on others, you start competing. Success is not a competition. If you do find you work better in a competitive mode, set harsh deadlines for you to achieve your own goals and compete with yourself. That is certainly what I do! The only time it is good to focus on others is when you are networking and building business alliances. I believe that by helping others to succeed, I will succeed even further.

Notice I did not call this blog 'Success and Sacrifice'. It does not work like that; first you sacrifice and then comes success. By sacrifice I am talking about buying audio book, books, training materials or heading to the library if you do not want to buy material. It takes sacrifice to listen to an audio book on the way to work in the morning instead of your favorite playlist on your iPod. It takes sacrifice to read a book on investing instead of watching your favorite T.V. program. But with great sacrifice comes great reward. If you want to sacrifice a little, you will start to see some progress in your life. If you sacrifice a lot, huge changes will come.

Often in life we are faced with choices, an easy path, or a tough path. We often know that the tough path may have huge rewards, but will it work? That is a very important question… "Will the benefits outweigh the risk?" It has an equally important answer… "You will never know unless you go for it!"

I will relate to personal circumstances to show how I have been able to apply this to my own life. I recently came across an opportunity one evening while living in London. The only problem was that the opportunity was in Canada, but it was a fantastic opportunity! I would have to fly to Canada within four days, and had no idea whether or not the cost and risk involved would pay off! After speaking to my wife we asked ourselves that very same question: "Would the benefits outweigh the risk? " The answer: "We will never know unless we go for it." The next day I went and bought my air ticket, and 3 days later took the 8 hour flight to Canada where I stayed for 3 nights then flew back to London. Did it pay off? It certainly did! I received 3 job offers from that one trip.

Often the action its self speaks wonders to those watching in from the outside. Would I have regretted my actions if it did not pay off? No! I find it important to learn from every possible situation! I went for it, I gave it my best shot, and it paid off! It will not always pay off, but it is important to roll with the punches, get back up, and keep on moving forward!

It is incredibly easy to start a home business these days. There are so many MLM opportunities you are guaranteed to find something you enjoy. It is, however, difficult to succeed with your home business. Take the first step and start, and then sacrifice your time in a smart and consistent manner in order to see unbelievable success!

Funny Inspirational Quotes About Life, The Universe And Everything (Almost)

"What's it all about, then, Alfie?"

That's how Michael Caine's first starring role - a film called Alfie - ends, with Cher singing that famous lyric. And whilst this question is directed at Alfie's life, it could easily be directed to all of us. Don't you think?

So what is it all about then - this life, the universe and everything?

I'm certain that it needs more explaining than the answer given by Douglas Adams: 42.

Maybe one of these funny inspirational quotes can help. Quotes like this one:

"Love is the answer, but while you're waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty interesting questions." -- Woody Allen

Let's face it, if it wasn't for sex none of us would be here, would we. None of us would even be alive.

But we are alive, and we're trying to make sense of it all.

So love matters (as does sex) but what else? Should a life well lived be a successful life? And what is success? Is it fame and fortune or simply finishing what you planned to do?

And what happens if you're not a success? Does that mean that you've wasted your life?

"If at first you don't succeed, think how many people you've made happy." -- H. Duane Black

Now where was I? Ah, yes, success! I think success is living your life on your terms, as you want to live it. Which means that I think that everyone should live life as successfully as they can.

But life must be more than success, surely?

"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others." -- Groucho Marx

Thanks, Groucho - I like your style, I really do, but you're not helping us here. Back to life being more than success...

What about trying to make a difference to the world at large? What about thinking of other people and not just yourself?

"Here is the test to find whether your mission on earth is finished. If you're alive, it isn't." -- Richard Bach

Hmm, that's not such a funny quote Richard. That's a real kitchen-emptier at parties that one. But maybe he has a point - maybe life is about cherishing every moment, every last drop.

Maybe life is about living in the now - ignoring the painful past, and forgetting to be fearful of the future. Just live! Now!

But I'm still not sure what life is all about when it comes to helping others. Richard didn't help much at all with that quote.

"If it's true that we are here to help others, then what exactly are the others here for?"

Hmm, okay I give up! I'm going to leave the (almost) last word to Mr Allen. He's so funny after all. He won't let us down...

"I am not afraid of death, I just don't want to be there when it happens." -- Woody Allen

And let's face it (again), if it wasn't for death then none of us would be here, would we! Er...

Life, what's it all about, then?

I have no idea, Alfie, no idea at all...

"I wish people who have trouble communicating would just shut up." -- Tom Lehrer

Okay, Tom - that's me told, isn't it! - I'm gone! That's it, this article is finished. I just think you, me and Alfie are going to have find the meaning of life, the universe and everything out for ourselves.

But you can't have 42, Alfie - it's taken!

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Homes Sold on Saint Ives Street

By Luis Pezzini

When an individual decides that he or she wants to move, there is a vast array of things that need to be taken into consideration, most notably being the location of the new house and the actual house itself. Once a person has decided that he or she wants to live in a house on Saint Ives Drive, now he or she just needs to choose between the available houses on the market and decide which one to eventually end up purchasing. The houses that are available to purchase on Saint Ives Drive are all fairly different structurally and a person is going to have to decide what he or she is looking for in a new house in order to adequately decide which one is the right new house for him or her.

Some people will decide that they want to have an expansive backyard while others will not mind having only a tiny backyard as it can be easier. There are also some houses that have pools, and some people might really like to have a pool in their backyard while other people will not want to keep up with the maintenance of a pool which can be taxing both financially and time wise. Having a pool can also be stressful for a person who has a young child or young children as pools can be dangerous for young children to be around.

A kitchen is a pretty crucial aspect of any house so it should come as no surprise that the type of kitchen and the set up and style of a kitchen that a house has can be a strong determining factor of whether a person will purchase a particular house or not. Some people need a big kitchen to be able to house a large family. One of the most important factors of a kitchen is that every member of the family can fit around the kitchen table, if a kitchen is not big enough to hold a kitchen table that is big enough for a family then this house will definitely not be desirable to the potential buyers looking at it. The homes located here are going to have kitchens that are going to impress buyers.

Many people are going to want to ensure that a house has nice bedrooms. Not only should the master bedroom be spacious and nice, but the other bedrooms in the house should also be of an adequate size. People are going to want each bedroom to have enough space for all of their stuff including bed and dresser and whatever other objects a person deems necessary for his or her bedroom, and their family size. The homes in the area are going to be able to meet any standard that a person sets for their future home.

There are also some houses that have really cool rooms in them that are not necessarily all that common to other houses. Since Saint Ives Street is located in Los Angeles and very close to Hollywood, some of the homes that are on the market have a movie theater in them. This can be a really cool common room that can be fun for every member of the family to hang out in together and take in a movie, making the decision for which home a person chooses, very hard.

Hungry Angry Lonely Tired And Inclined To Take Action About This Problem

By Mary Collins

Words that best describe me? Hungry Angry Lonely Tired. Those four words sum up all that goes through my mind day in and day out as a recovering alcoholic. I am hungry to explore the things I have missed during the 12 years I spent battling alcohol, and am annoyed at the same time. I am forsaken as the discomfort is clear in those I hurt, and I'm so bored with feeling that way. Sometimes it was like alcohol was the only real way to end the discomfort again, but I knew it wasn't the answer.

It had only been six months since I made a decision I do not wanted alcohol in my life. The more time under the belt, the less complicated that it will get. I'm confident of that.

I latterly decided to attend support groups twice per week. There are so many great people there who know precisely what I am going through. It appears that these are the nicest, most caring people I have ever met in my life, all who can relate to the issues and the need to resort to alcohol any time trouble finds its way. I also received a sponsor, who is always there, 24/7 when I need her. I feel so sanctified.

It is hard when all of these feelings are tied up inside you. It's only natural to want to resort back to what made you're feeling good. But I am too old, and can no longer hide from the pain. You see where it has gotten me so far.

So now, I made the choice to seek out those around me for support, and it paid off. Fighting an obsession is an ongoing process that needs commitment and dedication, even years later. Thank the world that there are such great folk there to help. I couldn't have done it alone.

Muslim Fashion Designers - Making A Mov

By Maria Eva

The Muslims have been traditionally very festive and fun loving people. The beautiful craftsmanship and embroidery design uncovered on their clothings,, provides a completely distinctive model trend unlike any others.

In the middle ages the ravages of time and history took its toll and the hijab and abaya became strict rules of conduct accompanied by equally simple eating habits that have been enforced upon the womenfolk of modern times.

Traditionally, Muslims are known to adhere to religious values and ethics that rule all forms of daily life more dominantly than the ones eschewed by the political or governing bodies, the ones running the affairs of the state. Most of the Muslim population is devout and traditional status quo is maintained in some of the homes by all age groups equally.

Of late, but with generations having passed since they left the birth places, Muslims are increasingly looking to make their own model statements in their own subtle ways. The Muslim ladies folk had been using highly ornamental and embroidered apparel that, in spite of covering them from head to toe, was intricately designed in vibrant colors and in some variants that brought out the distinctly feisty and festive outlook to life.

Changing the Muslim Costume Scen

The Arabian peninsula that is house to most standard rituals and customs and strict enforcements the one that is most surprisingly leading the way, followed by the more 'liberal' and forward looking Malaysia and other far east and south Asian nations. The 'complete wear' dress up styles being brought forward by Sarah Binhejaila, who has done a course in western world, seeks to replace the double layer traditional attires thus making a difference from within the system without antagonizing the purists. It is however , a compromise of sorts.

Changes taking area in the west

In a slight shift from what is taking spot in the Middle-East, the native English Muslim designer has been courageous enough to add vibrant colors whilst giving the abaya and hijab its time honored place..

Estimating the Muslim outfit market

The market estimates that may cover Muslim clothing models are a matter of intrigue. The sector has been a tight, closed circle until late.. K. alone, where a massive a component of the Muslim population thrives., a Malaysian media owner, the total market that stands to be explored cud run into at least a few billion dollars in the European Union alone.

About the Author:

Find Out The Ways Of Choosing Painting Contractors In Marietta

By Reva Larson

Hiring professionals to do specific tasks are viable options. The task at hand might be for a house. Or, it could be for a commercial establishment. Whichever it is, when you need to apply coats of paint to it, hiring painting contractors Marietta would be something to consider. You just need to know how to choose one from all of them.

Check how long it has been since the company started. There are start ups out there. This does not mean that you just dismiss them. But, should you go that route you need to understand the risks you are taking. Pick a company that is well-established.

With experience, they get to pick up a few tricks of the trade here and there. When it comes to applying paint to different textures, they would know the best ways of doing it. And if you have special requests, the could easily find ways to do it.

Determine the pricing structure. There can be a wide variation from one firm to the next. You need to make sure that you understand just how your job will be assessed. They may quote by what room is worked on. Or, maybe by its measurement. This part has to be clear to you.

When you compare the companies, compare services that are similar. Look at the price. But, know that you should not base your decision on it alone. The cheapest is not always the best option. Compare the prices and the services to figure out which has the best value for your money.

Ask if they offer additional services. It is not every time that they step inside an empty structure and just apply coats. You may just be renovating your house and you want a new color for some of the rooms. They would have to move around things and return it. Ask, if these services are offered, even with no pay.

Hiring professionals to do specific tasks are viable options for anybody. What you have at hand, may require you to find painting contractors Marietta has. Whether it is a house or an entire building, applying fresh coats would be done by the best crew you could find. That is possible when you are thorough with the selection process.

About the Author:

Overview Of Alcohol Treatment Minneapolis

By Eloise James

In submitting themselves for alcohol treatment Minneapolis individuals will be helping themselves out enormously. They can get their lives back to the way they used to be, and regain many of their old friends. Once they have determined that heading to an addiction facility is the right move, family members will usually be happy to help out.

In going in for treatment, people will need to be ready for a few things. Perhaps most important, they will have to be open with the therapists and counselors who have been assigned to work with them. Though discussing aspects of their addiction may be hard at first, it is the only real way to get better.

Some addiction facilities are better than others, and research will be needed to find one that is a good match. Reviews can be found on the web that will offer good information. Beyond this, individuals might also discreetly ask around for some recommendations.

Having a support group to rely on during a difficult time like this can do wonders. If a person knows that he/she will soon be entering a rehabilitation facility in order to get the needed help, close family members and friends might be clued in (if they don't already know). These people will be crucial to a person making it through to a successful recovery.

Individuals should find out how long addiction programs last. If they are responsible for children or pets, then other arrangements will need to be looked into for them. Friends can usually help out, however, for a few weeks or even longer.

Ultimately, in seeking out alcohol treatment Minneapolis men and women will be doing themselves and their family members a favor. Once they have recovered and gone home, they can make progress in their lives and go on to do things that they may never have had a chance to do.

About the Author:

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Unique Content Article: Steps You Can Quickly and Easily Take To Improve Your Headline Writing

Steps You Can Quickly and Easily Take To Improve Your Headline Writing

by Ralph Schultz

There's something about a good headline that makes it stand out from the rest and one that actually grabs the attention of your target audience. While there are never any guarantees with anything, we bet if you worked hard enough you can learn how to write killer headlines of your own. If you've always struggled with writing the best headline then the article below will help you immensely as it gives advice on what you should do to ensure that you're on the right track.

Should you write your headline before the content or after the fact? That is something you need to discover for your self as it is always a personal decision. One thing to keep in mind is that you should write a content outline depending on what you are actually writing. A huge part of writing is simply undergoing the discovery process in which you find your voice and your unique approach to writing anything.

Any time you can get honest and accurate feedback before going live will only help you to some unknown extent. We do not recommend you bother your friends because there are too many things wrong with that scenario. So while some people make a big deal about this particular aspect, just remember that tracking and testing your content (and your headline) is really the best way to proceed. We never solicit feedback because we want to get our content live and then simply test and optimize.These pointers will help you broaden your understanding on subjects such as Viral Monopoly Review.

What do you think about your own headline; does it move you to want to discover more? Hopefully you have the ability to avoid playing games with your own self, and that is not always possible with some. You can show others, but really you will never know until your own market reads it. Maybe you have friends whom you can trust, but if not then just do not worry about it.It's amazing at how easily things can be improved when looking at http://www.robselaney.com/easy-profit-bot/easy-profit-bot-review.

There is a ton of great information available on the net about crafting headlines that work. Do not forget that knowing your market is a critical part of being able to write headlines that convert. A hugely important part of copywriting and headlines is to be succinct and have total clarity. Be sure to write as many headlines for something as you can, and then keep working at it until the best one emerges.

Unique Content Article: You Gotta Really Like iPod's Covers!

You Gotta Really Like iPod's Covers!

by Andi Yulianto

Using the release of iPod in 2001, third party manufacturers of iPod covers and instances had sprouted, offering iPod covers in many colors for 1st to fifth generations of iPods, the iPod mini and also the iPod nano, as well as the iPod shuffle.

iPod covers are designed to safeguard or shelter the ultra sleek iPods from dust, dirt and scratches. Most iPod users obtain iPod covers to shield the iPod skin that they have dressed on for their iPods.


iPod covers are often created from cotton fabric. It may perhaps be stitched like a pouch bag or a slip on. Some third party manufactureres make plastic iPod covers, but this kind of iPod cover is just not very well-liked.

Although iPod covers are not necessarily needed, most iPod users buy iPod covers to look fashionable with the colorful designs of their iPods.

iPod covers made from fabric are washable and reusable.

1. Pouch iPod covers

Pouch iPod covers are usually made from cotton fabric. The added tie (to create a pouch) serves like a lanyard so you can slip it on your wrists whenever you are in the move.

2. Slip on iPod covers

Slip on iPod covers could come with embroidery or printed image of your favorite character in a movie or perhaps a book or even of your own face.

Lucas internet arts store has some sets of Star Wars slip on iPod covers with an imprint of faces of Princess Leia, Luke Sky Walker, Darth Vader, Hans Solo, Obi Wan Kenobi and the robots. iPod covers containing scenes or faces in movies like Pirates of the Carribean or the iconic head of Hello Kitty, are provided also inside the net either as difficult plastic iPod cover or fabric slip on iPod cover.

3. Innovative iPod covers

Some designers present innovative iPod covers. Like the handmade iPod cover muffs from Australia which is produced from printe polyester canvas having a matching foam and polar fleece inside to help keep the iPod in place.

But essentially the most innovated iPod covers are baby's socks. These iPod covers are pretty cute to look at. They're offered in bold colors which is so striking to appear at. These iPod covers are created from yarn knits and are also washable.


For those who wants to look techie and quite modern day, the metal iPod covers fit you perfectly.

Metallic iPod covers are made of aluminum, with grade of that anodized aircraft, and have designs and sizes to fit initial to fifth generations of iPod and also the mini, nano and shuffle lines.

These metallic iPod covers are lighweight, and scratch-resistant, which indicates your iPod unit just is not only protected inside, but the protective metallic iPod cover is also protected from scratches and could last for a longer time than washable iPod covers. A lining referred to as Neoprene holds the iPod securely in location and likewis cushions it from sudden impact.

Metallic iPod covers have cut outs to give way for dock connector pork, headphone jacks, click wheel and the hold switch, so the iPod is fully functional even though it is encased in the metallic iPod cover.

Metallic iPod covers are priced slightly higher than the fabric iPod covers. Some says that the high price is worthy considering that metallic iPod covers could last at least 100 times compared to fabric iPod covers.


For those who wish to have an elegant cover for their iPod, they should look out for fine-grain leather iPod covers.

Leather iPod covers are offered in cool tones. They have heavy-duty stitching about the edges to ensure protection for your iPod. It comes with a detachable, rotating belt clip or lanyard.

Apple, in 2006, came up with their own line of iPod covers. Apple's iPod covers are made from italian, fine-grain leather, and are clearly aimed for the high-end market. Apple's leather iPod covers has cutout to give access to to important features of the iPod such as the ports for the dock connector and the headphones, and also the click wheel.

Leather iPod covers are costly. They are priced more than half of the price of polyester or fabric made pouch, slip on or baby socks iPod covers.

Unique Content Article: Web Hosting For Affiliate Marketers

Web Hosting For Affiliate Marketers

by William MacMahon

The internet has taken global networking to unprecedented heights. Most business firms have their own websites where clients and customers can keep up-to-date with the latest services and products. Smaller companies are under pressure to begin and maintain their own web pages for the purposes of publicity. Even academic institutions need their own pages on the net. With an expansion of this proportion, Web Hosting is becoming increasingly on-demand. Big organizations usually require the services of Web Hosts to keep their pages up-to-date of all the necessary paraphernalia. It is hardly a wonder therefore that Web Hosting has turned into an industry that is increasingly profitable.

If the current trend continues, web hosting will be a massive business agenda by the year 2009. at this moment in time, many web host companies do not know what they are doing or selling. There is likely to be a rise in the number of firms who offer highly skilled and technical staff. This will to improve web sites around the world, and should see a rise in customer care.

Intelligent companies will start building their web host relationships now. When the market really explodes, these companies will be prepared and able to make money. Now it is also the best time for reselling companies to make money.

Advertisement is becoming more and more necessary. Much of a company's success depends on its skill to publicize its agenda. Web Hosting programs will also act as support programs and help these companies in making the best use of online publicity and marketing.

If you have an online presence, you will require a web host. Is there a way that people choose their web hosts? Not really. Many people will just ask of our friends and family for advice and information.

This process is it more difficult for a company. There are many web hosts available on the Internet and they offer a range of packages and affiliate programs. With soul many choices available, how does a site make their choice? The following will run through some ways a firm may choose which web host to work with.

Selecting The Best Web Host

Promoting Yourself: If your company is looking for publicity for its products or services, then this is the first thing you should look into. Not all Web Hosting services are equally attractive as publicity attractors. Little things such as font and page design become of the utmost importance when seeking publicity.

Seek Profits: You are online to make money and if you don't get it, think about thought moving on. Also consider the changes you can make to improve matters.

Give support to your web host: This will benefit your host but it will also benefit you in the long run. If you feel your host is good, tell other people. This can give you extra money. Offering a link to your host on your site can push people onto their site and this can reward you with case. If the host becomes widely known, you will be recognized as being linked to it.

Customer Support: You should choose a Web Host that provides excellent support, online or otherwise. A support program is very essential if your webpage needs to remain a constant source of publicity.

A scheme for residual programs: They say that every little helps, and this can improve your finances. Every time your client pays, you receive a small commission. You also have the opportunity to host their website, and when a new customer signs up via your link, you will receive more money.

The Web Hosting industry has been constantly on the expanse. With the packages an support programs they provide, it is very essential that you choose the one that most suits your needs.

This is not as hard as it used to be and this is because there are now firms who have a solid reputation. If you want to grow it steadily and make money, working with a reliable host is a must.

Stability is a priority. No Web Host can give a 100% online track record. The closest it can get to a benchmark is 99.9%. You should carefully look into this before making a selection. Remember, your preference should be to keep your website online at all times. You stop bringing in cash the moment your server crashes.

Checking Bandwidth Limit and Storage Space: Both are essentials, primarily the former if your site involves a lot of uploading/ downloading and uses a lot of audio-visuals. You should also check on the storage space and accordingly choose a server that provides a considerably large storage capacity.

Technical Addendums: This is something else that you must ensure, namely whether your Web Host provides facilities such as MySQL, PHP5 and POP email. Many hosts offer these plus other unique services, especially through C-Panel.

Hosting Multiple Sites: This is something you might want to check. You may be interested in hosting multiple affiliate programs. In that case you should see the maximum number of sites you can host on your Server with a given package. Hosting your websites on the same server usually saves both time and money. Linking up your sites becomes easier and faster.


A quick review of the things you must look into before choosing your web host-promotion. Profits, customer support, bandwidth and storage space, online stability, Technical features, residual program schemes and the ability of hosting multiple websites.

All of these issues will I lose you to offer a wider range of services. They can also in crease your commission. Good money can be earned through referrals, such as $30-$60 through one link. This source of income can be extremely profitable, especially for people operating in NGOs or community welfare functions.

As the world gets more technically conscious, more and more people are wanting to host their pages online.

There is no definite service leader in this trade, not yet anyway. This can be quite beneficial to you. As Web Hosts themselves are constantly in need of publicity, you can put this to the use to earn extra cash. All you need to do is place as many referrals as you can. Often Web Hosts just pay you for the number of people who just visit their server through the link on your page, without necessarily signing up for their service.

However, do not forget to do your home work. Having knowledge and experience can really help and offering a residual program can bring money in long term. If the client continues to use your host, you will continue to receive cash.

So, choose wisely.

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New Unique Article!

Title: Web Hosting For Affiliate Marketers
Author: William MacMahon
Email: matt@webhostingmadness.com
Keywords: hosting,web development,web design,computers,internet,reviews,ratings,blogs,internet business,online business
Word Count: 1100
Category: Computers

FusionHQ Review: Tips to Make Websites Excellently

by Marty Don

Are you an entrepreneur who wants to be successful and want to begin online businesses? If

that's the case, then you must be aware that business online could either make or break you.

Many people invest in this form of business, but majority doesn't learn how to endure their

very first year. Many have failed miserably. What really is the technique to success? One of

the most significant things that you need to think about is how to create a website

excellently. And this is what FusionHQ Review will reveal to you.

There is a whole lot more required than a nice looking site. But do you know that you can

actually build websites without the need for web programmers or web developers? FusionHQ

features its simple drag and drop technology and pre-made web templates to create

personalized sites the quickest way. You can basically drag and drop each of the features

directly to your page exactly as you need them and this impressive tool will manage the

coding for you. It has everything that you need in order to build a website to your success.

Here's the catch. FusionHQ Review reveals the latest news regarding this one of a kind

software. Some FusionHQ users may have discovered some big changes to the User Interface. It

has made the system more user-friendly and easier to browse through than before. There are

also additional features to look forward to. You can now modify an existing template or

build your own personal template through their Template Editor. People could also submit

their questions in the Community Forum.

For entrepreneurs who make use of the Local Business Model, you can benefit from their Bulk

Sites that enables you to simply duplicate and handle numerous variations of a site on

multiple domains. If you're advertising physical products, FusionHQ will make a list of the

Name and shipping details of your buyers by enabling the Drop Shipping scheduling. After

that you can export it in order to automatically send an email to your drop shipping company

so your orders can be filled.

Now you discover the tips to an online marketing success. Start creating websites easily

through FusionHQ. Know more about this unique tool through viewing the FusionHQ Review


About the Author:

Want to learn more about FusionHQ Review? Then don't forget to check out Fusion HQ Review

website to know more about FusionHQ Review and what it can offer to you.

Monday, 5 September 2011

Some Nice Features of iPhone 4

by Morten Hansen

Apple have had released the new generation's iPhone 4 on June 24, 2010 and Apple claims that iPhone 4 is the most evolved model compare to the prior iPhone models. There are many improved traits in the iPhone 4 and the top 10 features are listed in the following.

More clear Screen (Retina Screen) :

One of the great enhancements on iPhone 4 is the new Retina screen. This Retina screen is the sharpest, most vibrant, highest-resolution telephone screen ever. It's got a resolution of 640 x 960 at 326 ppi, and it is 2 times the prior iPhone. Since the Retina display's pixel density is so high, your eye cannot distinguish individual pixels. The Retina screen uses technology called in-plane switching (IPS) to gain a broader viewing angle than on characteristic LCDs and its offers 4 times the contrast proportion of previous models which make everything sharper and fantastic on iPhone 4. This Retina display is leading the market over the other products for many years. The Retina display glass which made of the same materials used in choppers is chemically fortified to be harder, more scratch resistant, oil-resistant and tougher than ever before. The writing on the screen looks like likely prints on the paper, and it is totally differential from what you can see in the formal screen. After you have already employed the Retina display, then you won't ready to make use of the previous display again. Don't forget to make use of the iPhone case, screen protector and other accessories to guard your iPhone.

Gyroscopic Sensor:

In this century, the cell telephones become more and more intelligence. This view is really suitable to iPhone 4 as it has 6 sensors, including 1 gyroscope sensor, three-axis accelerometer sensors, 1 proximity sensor and 1 background light sensor. The iPhone 4 built-in gyroscopic sensor will augment its perception of how it is moved and may on 6 axes the sensation movement. To the user, this meant it'll benefit cooler game and application. At present it'll be extremely tough to talk obviously on the exploiter to use this sensor nonetheless it is certainly a very innovation technology birth.


The iPhone 4 is the worldwide thinnest intelligence cellphone now. The iPhone 4 thickness are 9.3 millimeters which is 24% thinner compared to iPhone 3GS. The lookout design of the iPhone 4 is awfully crowd pleasing and when you take it with the hand, you will be impressed and staggered too. The iPhone 4 screen is same as before which is 3.5 inches; therefore it is smaller than the majority Android mobile phones. Nevertheless this is possibly the iPhone 4 incompetency too. Some analysts believed that because more and more users will use cell-phone to watch film, the users hope that the screen's size should be larger.

Camera LED Flash:

The Apple produced the iPhone 4 cameras with the LED flashing light and this was considered that the Apple chase the rival an action. The integrated advanced backside illumination sensor and built-in LED flash that automatically fires when it's needed will permits the users to shoot photographs and videos at night or in low-light ambient easily.

Better camera:

The iPhone 4 camera qualities have had improved compare to prior model. This mobile phone's camera is 5 million pixels which higher than the iPhone 3GS as 3 megapixels. This is not the best mobile phone's camera in the market, for example HTC Droid Incredible integrated 8 million pixels camera, and Google Nexus One has additionally used 5 million pixels camera. However , iPhone 4 might also image the high definitions (720p) videos. At the same time, the Apple also promotes a new video editor called iMovie app simultaneously. The camera also provides 5x digital zoom and optional HDR (high dynamic range) setting which helps to captures amazingly detailed photographs.

Front Camera and Video conference:

Besides the 5 million pixels camera on the back, iPhone 4 also included with the front-facing camera which is one of the most waiting for features by iPhone's fans. This front-facing camera may use for self-portraits and in the video meetings. Self-portrait's videos and photos are very commonplace today particularly for youths because its helps the users to take their portraits easily.

MultiTasking and Folders:

The iPhone 4 has used new. Operating system iOS 4. This updated system largest improvement lies to the multitasking support, this meant iPhone 4 can using multiple applications concurrently and jump between them right away without slowing down the performance or draining the battery pointlessly. As an example, when the user is listening to the web broadcasts, may concurrently receive and dispatch the e-mail. Some of the intellectual cell-phones in the market can support the multi-duties as well , therefore it isn't a new innovation by Apple but it is absolutely new to iPhones and very helpful. Another great function that implemented in iOS 4 is the Folders. The Folders is a new way to organize the apps and it assists in making room for more apps. Thus, the iPhone 4 can looks better organized and better to find programs by categorized them.

Stainless steel antenna:

The iPhone 4 front and back are flat, but the sides are "wrapped" with the chrome steel. This isn't only for inventive designs, but it plays the antenna's role also. This is a particularly cool engineering design but rumour said that Apple is still doing research on the weak radio signal reception problem.

Internal component:

The iPhone 4 has utilised the brand new A4 processor which will make the iPhone 4 speed faster compare with relative rival products. On top of that, the iPhone 4 includes an extra mike at the top of the unit for noise cancellation and also switched the placement of the microphone and speaker on the unit that the speaker is on the left now which will really help to get clearer voice conversation.

Battery Life:

Apple claims the iPhone 4's battery use time is much better than iPhone 3GS but the standby time will be the same as 300 hours. The rated iPhone 4's battery was stated to be capable of providing up to 10 hours of video, ten hours of web surfing on WIFI or six on 3G, fourteen hours of 2G talk time or seven on 3G, and 40 hours of music.


And now we're waiting for iPhone 5 to come shortly.

About the Author:

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